
How to drink in order not to hurt the liver?

2018-02-01  From: RUIAN AOBAOSI MACHINERY CO.,LTD Browsing times:656

How to drink in order to not hurt the liver? No matter who is drinking, the most worried thing is that it will hurt the liver. We heard the most is the time of liver alcoholism, but drinking is unavoidable. How can we do this? Four seasons to teach you a few tricks to see how drinking won't hurt the liver.

Beer: one cup, two cups. Beer has the lowest alcohol content, which can be said to be the most intoxicant in the wine. Beer is a kind of beverage that brew barley as main raw material, and its nutritional value is high. It contains carbohydrates, many kinds of amino acids, vitamins, calcium, iron and phosphorus and so on. It is called "liquid bread". But the beer diuresis, and easy to let the stomach swell, so should not drink. People with gastritis, peptic ulcers, liver diseases, gallstones, gout, hypertension and diabetes should drink beer carefully. This is determined by the composition of the beer. The oxalic acid contained in beer can increase the amount of uric acid in the human body, and it is not suitable for patients with high uric acid to drink. Drinking beer can also lead to high blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure, and gastric mucosal damage in patients with gastric disease.

Yellow wine: no more than 100ML. Yellow rice wine is a low alcohol brewing wine, which contains rich nutrients, such as sugar, organic acids, rich amino acids and some vitamins. Proper drinking can promote the secretion of digestive enzymes, but it can't exceed 100ML a day.

Red wine: no more than 100ML. Red wine is a kind of health wine, in addition to low alcohol content, wine also contains a variety of amino acids, vitamin C, organic acids, minerals and some phenolic compounds, a small amount of drinking red wine can reduce blood pressure, has a protective effect on human cardiovascular system. Though red wine is good, it can't be drunk too much. It should not exceed 100ML every day. Besides, the influence of alcohol on women and men is not the same. Under the same amount of alcohol, alcohol has a slightly lower impact on men. Therefore, women must not think that the alcohol concentration of red wine is not high, and it can drink more beauty.

Liquor: no more than 50ML. Liquor is the main ingredient of alcohol and water, a small cup of liquor, its heat is not low, 2 two 50 degrees of white liquor almost equal to a bowl of rice. In addition, its alcohol content is higher, drinking more easily aggravates the burden of the liver.

So, which methods are the easiest to hurt the liver?

The 3 most dangerous methods of drinking

"Mix" of the body. Drink mix with creative, such as Sprite and red wine, whiskey Black Tea, beer and cola, or "red and white beer, turns into battle...... Experts say that the carbon dioxide released from the carbonated drinks in the stomach will cause alcohol to enter the small intestine quickly and increase the damage. People who drink it feel like they are drinking, and they will drink too much. Once they perceive alcohol, they will drink too much.

"One muffle" is the easiest to get drunk. Don't drink too fast. Drink slowly, let the body absorb slowly, and drink it with food, so that it can have time to break down the body's ethanol. Don't drink on an empty stomach. First drink a cup of milk, or eat a few pieces of bread, do not drink on an empty stomach, so as not to stimulate the stomach mucous membrane. Vitamin B can also be taken in advance to protect the liver.

Drinking and smoking is the easiest to drink "high". Some people, a cigarette, a cup of wine, happy like a fairy. The wine to the head, picked up the smoke point, in fact, drinking and smoking is, liver injury and lung injury. Because nicotine in cigarettes reduces the effect of alcohol on the body, it is equivalent to being "anesthetized", and unknowingly increases the amount of alcohol.

To drink not to hurt the liver, you should pay more attention to the above points.

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